Privacy Statement

The Ornament Shop, Inc. uses the the information you submit strictly to evaluate the student for the scholarship. We do not sell or transfer any information to any other parties. We will not charge a fee to process the scholarship. The sole purpose of the scholarship is to help others achieve their goals in life.  We collect the following data solely to award the scholarship:

Street Address
City, State, Zip Code

Email Address

Phone Number

College/University attending, its full address, and field of study.

Name, Address, Email and Phone number are used only as a means to contact the winner.  College and the address are used to send the award to the students university directly.  Field of study is at times used at times to help decide a winner.

The Ornament Shop will not send any soliciting emails or any other promotions.  Should you desire communications concerning the scholarship please note that with your entry.  The scholarship winner will be contacted.

Scholarship Sponsor:

The Ornament Shop
P.O. Box 1071
Findlay, OH 45839

(419) 427-8506

Email: (inquiries and submitting to scholarship)